Welcome to Smartnet

Welcome to SM@RTNET the only Homegrown Internet Service Provider in the US Virgin Islands. We offer High-speed Internet access for businesses, government, and residential customers. Our service packages range from 1Mbps up to 1Gbps. Depending on your location service can be offered via Next-Generation wireless, DSL, or even Fiber Optics. With the largest staff of certified engineers in the USVI we also offer services such as MPLS, managed network services, video conferencing and custom network integration. We are unique in the industry that we are the only network integrator that owns its own network. Allowing us to constantly evolve and maintain great QoE “Quality of Experience” for our customers.


SMARTNET brings the most secure and reliable broadband technology to work for the residents and businesses of the U.S. Virgin Islands….


Provide content filtered “family-safe” Internet for your children or students….


Video teleconferencing applications allow users to conduct real-time, face-to-face meetings without added travel expense….


SMARTNET offers a host of outsourced information technology (IT) network services along with the superior skills and ….


Connect multiple locations on one private Wide Area Network. No VPN tunnels for you to configure. We are the cloud….